Welcome to... Speak Up To Your Teacher At School! Speak Up To Your Teacher At School was created specifically to help make children aware that there IS something that they can do if ever they see or think that they are being bullied. This motivational DVD builds confidence while encouraging all children to speak up to their own teacher at school on this very serious issue. Music is well known for capturing young minds. Children remember a song far easier than any other medium! This performance DVD sets out to not only educate young children but entertain them along the way as they learn what to do if ever they find themselves confronted by a school bully! The Anti-bully Music Video is a lesson in itself with it's meaninful lyric content and imagery but the Anti-Bully message becomes even stronger when the children perform the song themselves. Speak Up To Your Teacher At School comes in three different vocal keys ready for the children to learn, sing and perform. They become the stars of the show! Also included on the DVD are 14 lesson plans ready to use along with art work to bring the animated characters into the classroom. Speak Up To Your Teacher At School becomes the ideal tool for showcasing your schools commitment to stamp out bullying as it brings the whole school together as one to tackle this serious issue through song and dance. This DVD is now available for license. Website http://www.wix.com/SpeakUpToYourTeacher/Order-page