Rob Smith of Rob Advertising donated this video to Love Life Design LLC after Rob was moved by the Mary Chatman's mission to help the Atlanta Children's Shelter in Atlanta Georgia. Love Life Designs LLC. formerly known as Creations of Love Inc. celebrated one year of blogging last month. We waited to celebrate this month with a special idea. Today kicks off the celebration with 12 days of giving. For every comment left on our blog for the next 12 days, we will donate a $1 to charity! Giving is the most generous and fulfilling thing that one can do. While there are a number of charities that can benefit from our generosity, the Atlanta Childrens Shelter is our pick for our anniversary celebration, 1 year of blogging. Our goal is to raise $300! So with that saidif 25 people post 1 comment per day for the next twelve days = $300. Once we have reached our goal we will make an announcement on twitter and facebook.
With homeless children at serious risk for an array of physical and emotional problems, we want to help in a big way but will start with what we can do. A note from their site The Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless estimates that there are 13,000 homeless people in metro Atlanta, 25% of which are homeless families â and they especially need the services of shelters. To find out more about our charity of choice visit their site.