"Close" is a song originally written by Dario Guarino for his band AGED TEEN. This version is completely re-arranged by Nello Laezza (Astaroth Vitium). I made this video mainly out of pictures and artworks by Roberto Toderico. You can listen to the original (demo) version of Close on AGED TEEN's Myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/agedteenrock AGED TEEN with ASTAROTH VITIUM: CLOSE Dario Guarino: vocals Nello Laezza: keyboards, backing vocals Roberto Toderico: artworks, pictures, touched up pictures. Additional photos by Dario Guarino. Video and SFX created by Dario Guarino with Sony Vegas and Photoshop. Aged Teen: http://www.myspace.com/agedteenrock Astaroth Vitium: http://www.myspace.com/astarothvitium... Roberto Toderico: http://www.bobbweiler.deviantart.com/ Aged Teen on Facebook: http://groups.to/agedteen/http://band.to/agedteenfans/