For the trick basically buy 100 Cottages from Esthar Shop!!!(Which i showed how to unlock on part 93) and Refine them into 50 Mega-Potions through GF Carbuncle's Recov Med-RF. Selling the Mega Potions will get you more cash than what you paid for buying 100 Cottages so just reapeating the refining will make you rich pretty quick and you'll never run out of Gil just do this when you need cash. It takes about 80 Minutes to get 99,999,999 Gil
Of course you must Have GF Tonberry and These abilities of him:
Call Shop (Use shops you visited when and where you want anytime)
Haggle (Makes Stuff Cheaper)
Sell-High (You can sell for more Cash)
So basically Haggle and Sell High will make this possible and Call Shop for faster Process and do it whenever and wherever you want.