In the late 70's Japanese animation giant Toei signed a deal with Marvel Comics to produce animated versions of their comic characters. The only Marvel property that made it to animation was Tomb of Dracula under the new title Yami no Teio Kyuketsuki Dracula (Dracula: Vampire Emperor of Darkness). In the experienced hands of Harmony Gold Yami no Teio Kyuketsuki Dracula appeared in west in 1983 under the new title of Dracula: Sovereign of the Damned, directed by Robert Barron.
The anime version's plot condenses the overall story arc of Tomb of Dracula #7-50 into a 90 minute movie. Dracula is pursued across Boston, New York and eventually Transylvania by the Vampire Hunting team and a Satanic Cult from whom he stole their bridal offering a young girl named Dolores with whom the Vampire has fallen in love.