I don't think anyone will really understand this but me. The basic story is pretty clear however.
I will never forgive ** for killing off Sirius. Or Dumbledore for that matter. Jeez woman, let the kid have a little happiness?
A few things I'd like to note:
1) The song:
Song: Falling Down
Artist: Oasis
2) Youtube, being the perpetual screwup it is, has messed up the quality and timing. Good to see you haven't lost your game YT.
3) That editing of the song at the end is appalling haha, I apologise. This IS still a WiP though.
4) This is my first Potter vid, so please be gentle D:
And last, but not least [actually yes least]:
I own nothing obviously, except for the strong indignation and pity felt towards Harry. What a miserable life.