Panic attacks treatment can only be prescribed once it is determined how and why they arise. Panic attacks generally come on suddenly in the form of intense anxiety. You become fearful and feel very unwell and uncomfortable. There are many different symptoms that occur as a result of having a panic attack and these depend on both your physiology and mindset. When you're having a panic attack, your body releases adrenaline because you mistakenly believe you are in harm's way. You probably feel very scared and upset. Unfortunately, these attacks can last anywhere from under a minute to well over a half hour. There is no singular reason why panic attacks occur. Sometimes it is passed along within families. If someone else in your family gets panic attacks, the chances of you getting them increase. There are also illnesses that can cause the instance of panic attacks to increase in certain groups of people. An example of this is post traumatic stress disorder. Even hyperthyroidism can cause panic attacks! Panic attacks can also occur as a side effect of certain medications. Ritalin is one drug that can lead to panic attacks in some people. The SSRI group of antidepressants has been known to increase anxiety. Understanding what may be causing your panic attacks is one of the first steps you can take in dealing with them. There are no two ways about it Panic attacks can be devastating and interfere with nearly every aspect of your life. By taking action today, you can start to lead a normal life again. For a review of some excellent resources and help visit