This documentary film about teen heroes is the culmination of six months of research, interviewing, filming and editing by TORCH ( high school participants. Synopsis: In the cosmopolitan metropolis of New York City, teenagers are presented with countless ways to spend their free time. Evveryday teens may spend time with their friends; they work hard in school, play video games and live their lives (both online and in the real world) to their fullest; other teens become notorious for their less savory choices, with the media often pushing to perptuate the image of the "juvenile delinquent." And still, there is a special breed of teenager that flies beyond either of these stereotypes and truly makes enormous strides to better their world while pursuing their dreams. They demonstrate tremendous empathy, whether it be with their peers, their family, or their community at large. These teenagers nevefr take an opportunity for granted. Traveling the globe for humanitarian efforts, dedicating themselves to environmental awareness, making art with a message, and speaking out to inspire others are just some of this eclectic group's passions. These teens teach a valuable lesson: never underestimate your own voice, dedication and ability to change the world. Arman, Corrine, Molly, Pascal and Zora. These are our teen heroes. These are the Skyscrapers.