Enslaved is a post-apocalyptic retelling of the classic 400-year old novel Journey to the West. Set 150 years from now, players take on the role of Monkey, who has been captured by a slave ship, which harvests the remaining population after a major war. There he meets Trip, a young woman who has also been imprisoned. They manages to escape, and she quickly realises that Monkey, with his strength and power, is her only hope to survive the journey home. She hacks into a slave headband and fits it on Monkey, linking them together - if she dies, he dies. Enslaved has an ensemble of British talent who contributed to the gameâÂÂs development. Andy Sirkis (of Lord of the Rings fame) plays the role of Monkey, whilst the game also boasts a screenplay written by Alex Garland and a soundtrack by Mercury Music prize winner, Nitin Sawhney. The game's developers, Ninja Theory are also based in the UK.