episode 16 Revolution 618 "Healing is the children's bread (Faith)" Hosted by Josh and Melissa Jamison with Tom Blauvelt. Directed and Produced by Bryan Kreutz . Tom Blauvelt points out in Psalm 2:1 why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? Speaking from God's perspective he looks at the government's and nation's leaders plotting to overthrow God and replace him with their vein religion and vein philosophies. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess including these leaders. Melissa Jamison gives a story of her child Joshua who's eye is swelled up to the size of a plumb being a timely matter when she and her husband planned on leaving the country for the missionary field while waiting at the bus station for pre-ordered tickets with a confirmation number however the tickets are not at the bus station when they arrive. This could have been a stressful situation instead Melissa started laughing and made the situation humorous. Christ healed Joshua by the time they arrived in Miami for the final overseas trip this suddenly moment was an example of the joy of the lord being our Strength. The Lord is Joyful in the midst of demolishing our enemies he gets excited about that. We need the same stress free attitude especially in a stressful situation and let our mind be still in the spirit of God. Original airdate on the Christian television Network : June 21, 2010