MISSION STATEMENT Our goal is to bring awareness to the world-wide public that for 20 yrs the media has perpetuated an biased and distorted view of Michael Jackson's life. With this awareness we are hoping that concerned citizens of the world will join us in our endeavors to contact the media and put forth our legitimate concerns. It is apparent, that if left unchecked the media will continue to beat the drum of speculation, distort the facts and reimpose the sordid and malicious allegations that have been proven FALSE! We want Michael Jackson's true legacy of unconditional love of mankind, unmatched philanthropic work, concern for the environment and his propagation of universal brotherhood to be FAIRLY represented in the media. We demand fair representation of this gentle man, this loving soul that has been maligned needlessly and with malice by the media. Reestablishing the true legacy of Michael Jackson MUST be our goal. Please join us in this fight!! If you have any questions please email MJJJusticeProject@gmail.com FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/people/Mj-JusticeProject/100001310462555 OFFICIAL FORUM http://mjjjusticeproject.lefora.com/ Petition media lies corrected: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/23/michael-jackson-justice-media-lies-corrected OFFICIAL YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/user/MJJJusticeProject