ÃÂôÃÂðòõùÃÂõ, áÿøÃÂðýøõ ROSEBUD ÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂø 40 öõýø ÷ð üþôõûø ýð ñøúøýø òÃÂò òøôõþúûøÿþòõ ø ÃÂþÃÂþÃÂõÃÂøø. ÃÂûøúýõÃÂõ ÃÂÃÂú ÷ð ôð ÃÂðñõÃÂõÃÂõ ÿþòõÃÂõ... Bulgarian women are so alluring, that Rosebud Magazine decided to offer the next 12 Centerfold layouts to the winners of the New Face Search Casting Contest. Women from the surrounding countries are also eligible!