The newest versions of Pokemon have finally been released, Black and White. In this download I have provided everything you will need to run Pokemon Black on your PC! The rom is patched to allow for undisturbed play (the exp and save glitch was patched). All you need to do is start up the NDS emulator and run the PokemonBlack.nds file. This is the early release version by TeamPoke. This version is roughly 50% translated into english. What is translated -Pokemon attacks -Pokemon stats -Some item names -Story related text and conversations -Menu What isn't translated -Pokemon names -Most items -Any text not relavent to the main story line Basically this game is playable without having to know Japanese. TeamPoke plans to continue to translate the game and you can expect another version to be released in a few weeks. Also when they release the next version, you keep your save file so you won't lose anything. Enjoy the game, it's a good one. Download: Alternative Download: