The second reason ethnicity was ignored is because of the belief that the future success of newly independent African countries depended on their ability to promote a unifying nationalism that transcended ethnic differences (Schrader 139). Over half the people of Ethiopia belonged to the Christian State Church, Ethiopian Orthodox Church, whiled many others followed the Islamic faith. The educated elite served as the bearer of new ideas and suffered the brunt of new frustrations. Religion was a contributing factor to the conflict in Ethiopia. Education is the next leading factor in class structure and ethnicity. The divisions again resulted form the divers and highly antagonistic ethnic groups that coexisted for many years while engaged in periodic power struggles. Although education was oriented toward religious learning, the government established a more secular emphasis in order to achieve social mobility and national development. There was no other African country like Ethiopia, with its 2000-year-old institution of monarchy, semi-autonomous provincial nobility, and millions of downtrodden peasants. Also took part in the social struggles. The ethnic minorities first thought of their own ethnic identity and then of their national identity as Ethiopian and so forth. Gender roles were also an issue with regards to the class structure as well as ethnicity. Ethiopian women traditionally suffered soci-cultural and economic discrimination and had fewer opportunities compared to men in terms of economic growth, education, and employment (Ottaway, Maria and David; Ethiopian Empire in Revolution). The Marxist though that all capitalist societies could be divided into a property-owning class who dominated society and ********* property, and a lower working class who were forced to accept poor jobs and unsafe working conditions. The struggle was for the most part between the Amharas of Shoa, Wollo Gojjam, and Begmdir provinces. The most significant area of study is literature.