There is an undeniable rush from partaking in the legacy of a fake band made up of no-name musicians and plastic peripherals. You might feel goofy slinging a weightless guitar over your shoulder or tapping on foam-headed drums, but when you get your first gold star or earn another improvement for your band, it's hard to suppress a smile.
Dan Teasdale, Lead Designer for Rock Band 3, has been with the series since the very beginning. During our interview, Teasdale ran us through the biggest features for the upcoming game. The game's selling point, "Pro mode", is an attempt to simulate the true experience of playing drums, guitar, bass, or the game's brand new instrument, piano. To help make the guitar more realistic, a fret by fret controller will launch alongside the game, with a genuine, modified Squire Stratocaster releasing later on if you want to learn the absolute real thing.
Beyond new guitars, add-on cymbals for the drums, and new, more accurate microphones, Harmonix has also added vocal ...