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Contact Dean Marino
With all the problems at Resorts 360 are members getting disgusted. Resorts360 continues to change travel providers and has not been able to obtain an exclusive travel provider contract.
What's the real deal with Resorts 360 {RESORTS360}, Global Resorts Network, MOR Vacations and others.When compared to Global Resorts Network, Resorts 360, Coastal Vacations, Dream Style Vacation Club, Primo Vacations, Club Sea Breeze, Cruise to Cash and Bon Voyage 1000, only MOR Vacations has an exclusive contract to sell their unique travel membership product worldwide on the internet through network marketing.As the Resorts 360 travel vendor shopped the condo inventory to MOR Vacations and other competitors in the marketplace, it became quite evident that Resorts 360 Vacation Club did not have an exclusice contract with the travel provider.
While Resorts 360 vacation Club lacked an exclusive contract with their travel provider, MOR Vacations does ...