The time after Samhain can be for us just as much of a let-down as the days following the Christians' Christmas is to them. After all, the decorations are gone, certain folks no longer feel they need to be nice, and the fstivities are over for another year.
And then there are the resolutions we made and the decisions made to try something. And could there possibly be anything more disappointing than the disappointment which comes not from failure to try, but from trying too hard!
It's an especial problem in this day and age with TV, movies and videos. We saw something work the first time in a movie, so we're expecting similar results for ourselves - whether we admit it or not. And so, we try something like scrying and discover that what we have is not quite like that "spiritual TV set" someone had in the movie.
Well, there's a way to keep the disappointment from being too heavy, and we're going to discuss that today!