This is an #EHOL from last week, so I don't totally remember the context, but I do know it was leading into a wonderful weekend mini-retirement. I'm not sure if it is apparent or not, but I had not done my Emotional Hygiene Post before recording this, and I feel like it really made a difference. It was a little difficult for me to reach for things I was grateful for because I hadn't yet thought about it that day. That's one of the main benefits, I think, to doing the #EHOLs. They make you focus on all the things you are grateful for, intentions, etc. so when you are reaching for a better thought later in the day, you have a list of things to reach for.
Watching this after almost a week since we recorded it makes me feel good. Its makes me want to feel that good all the time! It helps me remember what a fun week and weekend we had. That is the number one reason why we record our podcast: so we can go back and watch our own eps and remember how awesome our lives are. And, of course, so you all can share ...