Florence and the Machine perform "Dog Days Are Over" on Saturday Night Live, November 20th, 2010. One night earlier, Sufjan Stevens hit the stage at Jimmy Fallon to perform "Too Much" from his long-awaited album "The Age of Adz". The PBS series American Masters paid homage to John Lennon last week, airing the wonderful doc "Lennon NYC". We've taken a snippet of "John Sinclair" from it, which Lennon and Yoko Ono performed at the John Sinclair Freedom Rally in 1971.
Metric performed a rocking version of "Gold Guns GIrls" on Jimmy Kimmel Live! on November 21st, and will soon be heading into the studio to record their next album. Emily Haines also shows up in our On Disc segment, in which we feature "This Movie Is Broken", Bruce MacDonald's "Rock Show Romance". Jason Collett's "I'll Bring The Sun" is a musical highlight, as is the duet between Kevin Drew and Leslie Feist on "I Feel It All".
Tower Of Power continue to tour this fall, we look at a vintage version of "What Is Hip?" from Soul Train in 1973, ...