We're dealing with a logical progression here. First, there was "To Dare". Without that, there wouldn't even be any effort. And now, we have "To Know". And the progression from daring to knowing should be readily apparent to one and all. After all, one someone has decided to dare, then it's necessary to know.
What is necessary to know? Much! Begin with knowing what you are doing, but there is much more than that which you will want to know.
Go into any Wiccan's home (or the home of anyone else whose spiritual path is really alive, for that matter, and you'll probably see a whole lot of books. If you get a chance to meet a well-published author or a major spiritual leader, the thing that such a person is probably most excited to talk about is what they are learning! It's a never-ending process. There's a reason why I say that if anyone tells you that they know "all about" any of the subjects I discuss here, walk away very quickly. There simply is no end to learning - especially here!
And here is where you make sure that you stand on firm ground. You'll see what I mean.