The challenge is simple. Show us some proof that the other servers are THIS BAD with its Latency and MAYBE we`ll let off on insisting that the Alexina Server has become the red-headed step-child of Nexon America (then again maybe that was Maple-Story but I don`t play that nor do I plan on starting). For anybody who`s thinking about starting on Mabinogi, pick a different server, one that is NOT named Alexina, unless of course you are a glutton for getting pwnt by cheeting AIs using god-like-mode on you ! =O
Update 04jan015TL(2011CE) - A significant percentage of the latency seems to have disappeared today (after weeks and weeks and weeks of it affecting us all). For me it seems to have anyway. Rumour has it that the employees have returned from a Holiday break/vacation (I guess Nexon America is probably not a huge company like Square-Enix) and are working towards a permanent fix.