This workout is all you need to get you all fired up and energized for the day!
Start burning fat NOW!
This is the sequence:
Set your Gymboss interval timer for 20 sec intervals.
1. High knees/jumping lunges/reptile run
Do all the exercises for 20 secs and repeat the sequence 2 more times for a total of 3 mins.
2. push up to tricip push up
Perform the exercise for 2 sets of 20 secs to total 40 secs
3. Swimming/ Superman lift off/ snowboard jumps
Do all the exercises for 20 secs and repeat the sequence 2 more times for a total of 3 mins.
4. Star Jumps
Perform the exercise of 20 secs for a total of 40 secs.
That is one circuit!
Perform another one!
16 minutes is all you need!
Make sure to have a good warm up and cool down.
Stay present in the exercises.
The focus creates the result.
It's not about doing the workout, it's about feeling it!