We need to address the issue of hell, if for no other reason than the fact that it is just possibly the ultimate spiritual blackmail. And please, do not think that the Christians have an exclusive on threats of hell. Of course, for most of us it's the Christians we see, with one preacher claiming that his way is the only way, but at the church down the street from him, another preacher is proclaiming that his is the only way, and I am not sure what would happen if they ever got together and perhaps started damning each other.
But what is hell? Actually, the term is found in the ancient Norse, but it is called Hel (one "L"), and it's the cold place where the dead people go to rest between lives. And there are the alternatives. The Norse have Valhalla, Folkvangr and other halles for people who have distinguished themselves. And there is somethign set aside for the worst of the worst - according to the Norse, those are thieves, oath-breakers and spouse stealers. And the Greeks and others had theirs, too. But the Christians have some reassurance for all sins and blasphemies but one.
And so, is there a solution? Yes! And if you look at what we've shown here, the answer is far more basic than you might imagine. So much for the self-appointed rule-makers and those who would condemn other paths!