Enhances muscle growth in conjunction with strength training
Helps decrease recovery time between periods of intense workout
Promotes muscle strength and endurance
Aids in maintaining lean muscle mass
Encourages repair of body tissues
Contains antioxidants to help reduce the effects of free radicals
Someone who wants to gain the most benefit from weight training
Someone who wants to enhance muscle growth for a more toned and stronger body
Someone who wants to improve your sports performance
A weight-lifting enthusiast who wants to boost performance in the gym
For athletes, gaining the edge is always of utmost importance. Physical performance is no exception. Nutritional support is vitally important when it comes to laying the foundation for stronger muscles. The key to making the most of any exercise regimen is improving the way your body responds to physical challenges. Often this can become much more challenging than we think. As we participate in weight training, for example, physical stress and muscle exhaustion take over, and eventually we max out the load that our muscles can handle. Finding ways to extend the time that passes before exhaustion sets in obviously helps improve the workout and the benefit your muscles receive. As we work out, tiny tears in muscle tissue occur and are repaired in a process utilizing proteins and their amino acids. This muscle building and rebuilding results in larger, stronger tissue. Finding a way to support this natural process can also enhance your physical performance.
THE SOLUTION: Muscle Strength™