The Matrix F2 franking machine makes light work of accessing all Royal Mail services conveniently and processes your mail quickly, quietly and effectively whilst giving you interactive options to make your mail say so much more.
Dispensing of the need for poring through manuals or postal rate charts the Matrix F2 franking machine will simply guide you through even the most complex postal services giving you the most cost effective postage price possible.
Be careful, don't make an investment in a 'cheap' alternative, the franking machine Matrix F2 from Frama is the most comprehensive system available in its class.
18 Programmable OneTouch keys means you can select your most regular mail jobs easily by pre-selecting your favourites. One key stroke will then select the tariff and price you need.
Matrix F2 can accept letters up to 10mm thick, a generous allowance which means you can process the majority of your mail through direct feed.