We can point out the miraculous hand of God in His creation and honor Him by caring for what He has made. Our ability to live is what is at stake. We must not betray our obligation to this planet. We creationists need to step up, recognize our role as stewards and embrace some of the issues that we too often have ignored. Animal abuse in the food industry would be an obvious one we should address. These are sensate beings marvelously designed for His glory and our pleasure. “In wisdom you made them all, the earth is full of your creatures.” (Psalm 104:24) After all, did not God create people to be vegetarians from the beginning? Are we not to care for the less fortunate, the animals? (Proverbs 12:10a). What is our responsibility to the earth, its environment, and the other mammals that share our planet? We, as creationists, should live out the biblical mandate to “speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.” (Proverbs 31:8) We should call upon the church, the culture, and the government to address these pressing issues if not for ourselves, then for future generations who will inhabit this planet.