Come find out what it means to be theologically and politically “Green.” With the recent energy crisis, perhaps Christians should be asking themselves, “WWJD?-----What Would Jesus Drive?” I hope to have a creative discussion exploring solutions to our growing ecological problem. If we join together, we can have a powerful voice for the environment from a creationist perspective and change the way we view transportation and other ecologically sensitive issues. As a way to have an immediate impact, a representative of T.A.P.E., a consortium of people seeking to halt the human-generated and violent extermination of the little known and rather cute third world animal, Cestoda, will be present to enroll new members. In addition, volunteer donor forms will be available. Environmentally friendly projects for the evening include: 1) Bring a recyclable TV dinner as a donation or 2) Share your favorite organic vegetarian recipe with the community or 3) Purchase “Save the Cestoda!” bumper stickers after the meeting. Be sure and carpool, and remember, “WWJD?” I’ll see you there.” Bill Jack.