14 May 2011, Donetsk Ukraine An incredible night in one of the most beautiful stadiums in the world, the Donbass Arena, in order to celebrate the 75th anniversary of FC Shakhtar Donetsk. A ceremony created by the Olympic producer Marco Balich. The first event of its kind for a football club that set as its goal that of celebrating the team's history, and to shape the future of football in Ukraine."It was an honor” - states Marco Balich – “to return to this stadium two years after the opening ceremony that K-events created for the Donbass Arena. Bringing to life an event of this nature is a majorly challenging production that we have been able to deal with thanks to the worldwide experience gained over time in the creation of high-profile events. We worked with the best choreographers, set and lighting designers in the world and involved 1,300 volunteers.” http://www.kevents.it