Got focus? It's amazing how things can lose focus. I recall in the Air Force, there were people who insisted upon reports being filled and meetings being attended, even at the expense of operational missions! And please don't think that such failure-to-focus is limited to the military establishment. Businesses, healthcare establishments and even religious bodies can sometimes get so wrapped up in procedures and rules that their basic purpose is obscured! Does a hospital exist for the sake of healing people or for the sake of complying with state and federal regulations? There are a few folks who would ask that question!
And where spirituality and religion are concerned, it can really happen. I recall my main mentor (Rt Rev Jerome Birnbaum AKA Jerome Peartree) kidding that if he were put to death, in a thousand years would his followers be wearing little electric chairs around their necks? And what about the cross, especially the version with the body on it? Isn't the emphasis supposed to be not on that, but the fact that he overcame the most agonizing and humiliating of deaths to rise again and triumph? When we think of stars on the red carpet for the Oscars or Emmys, do we focus on the well-dressed, well-scrubbed star on the carpet, or do we focus on the scrubbing, bathing, and perhaps some breath-holding that it took to get them into those fancy clothes?
And that's where focus comes in. It's one of the more important parts of "To Will," I would say.