Here, we take a variation from our regular schedule to do something special for someone who has been so very special to so many of us. I am speaking of Morning Glory Zell. We have received word that her cancer has returned. I don't have the details, and I don't need the details to know what to offer. We need to join in the fight with every means we have, including and especially the spiritual.
At a time when my life seemed in turmoil, it was some of her writings that guided me onto a path which brought my life into balance. And that was when I was just one among so many virtually anonymous "newbies" trying to find some sense of direction in a situation in which many offer advice, but few are actually qualified to do so. And I say that as just one of ever-so-many who can say that.
"Rolling Thunder", which has been called for July 22nd thru August 13th, and I'm also offering this special "Mass For The Shut-Out" in addition. "Rolling Thunder" is a Temple of Gaia tradition used in time of need. In essence, at the date and time called for (your local time whatever it is), you do your own particular ritual the way you do it for the specific intention. It "rolls" because of the way time zones work. Here, in "Mass For The Shut-Out", you join with others together.
Between "Rolling Thunder" and "Mass For The Shut-Out", we can raise a whole lot of healing energy for Morning Glory!