Narasimha Chaturdashi also known as Narasimha Jayanti is the appearance day of Lord Narasimha, the half-man half-lion incarnation of Sri Krishna. The Lord appeared in this wonderful form in order to protect his five-year old devotee Prahalada, from the atrocities of his demonic father Hiranyakashipu. Devotees maintain a fast during the festival. In the evening, the Utsava Deity of Lord Narasimha Dev at ISKCON Bangalore recieves an elaborate abhisheka. The Deity is massaged with Sandalwood oil and til paste followed by a bath with Milk, Curd, Ghee, Honey and Sweet water. Juice of several fruits was also used in the abhisheka. During the abhishekam, devotees were blessed with the magnificent Haldi Lepana darshan of Lord Narasimha. For more infor visit: