In 2008, the City of Laredo Environmental Services Department received a $50,000 grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to develop a kid-friendly, educational and informative video that would teach the importance of protecting the Rio Grande, storm water runoff, and the environment. What developed was a 24-minute animated film, “Inspector McCloud’s Stormwater Adventures,” which features Inspector McCloud and Stormy battling the notorious Pollution Cartel, all in an effort to protect the Rio Grande, Laredo’s streets and the city’s water supply. The film introduces us to various characters, heroes Inspector McCloud and Stormy, who are battling the Pollution Cartel - Lucy Litter; Oilslick Willy; Dirty Diaper Dan; Ciggy Butt; and Tommy Treadless Tire – all common pollutants around Laredo that end up in the city’s storm water run-off, ruining city creeks, fields and eventually, the Rio Grande.