Last time, I spoke about what I was going to do to accept my own challenge. And, it made sense to do so. I had offered a challenge to others, so am I going to also accept the challenge? Of course! Not only should I, but I want to!
And, I spoke about some people I want to reach out to. This time, I want to expand that and point out three kinds of people that I am concerned about the most. They present us with a challenge and an opportunity. On the positive side, meeting their needs means that we will grow in numbers and strength.
Yes, I see them as having the most need. But I also see that once those needs are met, they will have the most to give others. In The Havamal, Allfather Odin says that a gift deserves a gift, and this is a situation in which those who are given gifts pass on gifts, with the result being the enrichment of us all!
You see, those who have been successfully ministered to often become the most successful ministers. And the healed become healers.