Spring.net, Austin, TX Oct 5, 2011 - Sometime during this video, Steve Jobs died thousands of miles away. It is my tribute to Steve that I made this with my iphone during the time of his passing. This video is dedicated to Steve Jobs.
I was just getting out of Nike Training class with Meryl C at RSC near Belmont Hall when I saw the long stream of UT players heading toward the UT tower where the rally was going to be held. It was a tough choice, dance class or the rally. I got swept away by the emotions of the rally and I happened to have my iphone camera handy. I got what I hope you'll enjoy are shots of the team, the torch girl, the cheerleaders, Coach Brown and the fans.
Wednesday night thousands of Longhorns fans gathered for the annual pep rally at The University of Texas before this weekend's football game against the University of Oklahoma. The Torchlight Parade started in 1916 and was a tradition that lasted through the late 1960s. The parade started at 8 p.m. at 25th Street and Whitis ...