This is an application which helps kids to sharpen their mathematics skill. Below are the special features of the application.
Key features:
Auto-generate questions and options
Never runs out of questions
Can select specific grade for a test
Can select one or more topics for any specific test
Can select number of questions for a test
Can finish the test at any time
Can see detailed result topic-wise with percentage scored
As this application generates questions automatically, hence you will NEVER run out of question. Probability of coming across the same question again is very low. Currently it supports from Grade1 to Grade6. Questions for higher grades will be added soon. User can also select the no of questions he/she wants to face in that particular test. As the test it timer based, it will create seriousness in the user. At the end of the test it provides a detailed report by which you can decide which topic you need to sharpen further. All the questions have multiple-choice answers. You can modify your answer until you press ‘Confirm’
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