"sUPEREDS 263 weekly inteRnet video" for jan 14 2012 titled "sUPEREDS reality love song" sUPERED the internet artist/street performer/film editor/professional weird-0 re-releases one of his classic sUPERED videos from week 16 (feb. 3 2007) of the sUPEREDS weekly internet video series this video has sUPERED playing 1 of his semi original songs (26%of the words were borrowed from a tune from the sixtys all the music and emotion and 74% of the words come from sUPEREDS soul and heart)you all can get the vibe from sUPEREDS street act when you watch this video enjoy smile IIIII1111IIIIIsUPERED 11412sUPERED veoh.com