This is a video response to a member on a 'local forum to where I live who asserted that 'nothing is that easy in (GNU/) Linux' and intimated that I was being economical with the truth - so as me dear old Dad used to say "What can't speak, can't lie"! Enjoy!
Apologies if the video is a bit fast - I mistakenly increased the frame-rate from 15 per second to 25 in the settings of 'recordmydesktop' - superior in respect of sound capture compared to 'Kazamscreencaster' but not as versatile as Kazam (IMHO). This version of GNU/Linux did not allow 'Ctrl+ Alt+ T' to launch the 'Terminal' - had to go through the menu to launch 'Terminator' - could have launched it via Alt+ F2 (run dialogue) then entering 'Term... - which would have autosuggested Terminator.