Liberty auction house contains the best auctions this side of the mississippi! Police auctions, jewelry auctions and Much More. Get Yours today yo! http://www.libertyauctionhouse.com Ever since there have been used car dealerships there have been people attending this type of event to find automobiles well below market value. The automobiles are often some of the most sought after items at this type of auction. Dealers can easily buy below the market value and then add whatever type of markup they desire. This has been going on for a long time and it used to be the best kept secret of the used car industry. A lot of jewelry can be found at the type of auction that is being introduced here. Many types of bracelets, necklaces and charms can be purchased for well below market value; this is exactly why some pawn shop owners will attend an auction. Like the car dealers, they get really low prices that they in turn mark up. Sometimes very valuable jewelry is seized from a particular estate and sold for fair prices.