I was playing minecraft when i let a person teleport to me. he kills me and I am suddenly able to fly. I try to get my stuff back, but get banned because I was supposedly flyhacking. this is how I'm proving I didn't flyhack. I did have X-ray, but chose the version with no flying. I wanted to only use it for single player. also, skip to 31 minutes into the thing for the actual part, or watch it all to see that I'm telling the truth. P.S.: For the griefing team that I would like to have crash the servers, I would like to challenge you. If you can crash every single one of blockhead's minecraft servers before the poll is done (today is 6/25/2012, it ends 10/10/2012), then you truly are the greatest griefers and I will have your team name in every book that I write, every game I program, and every run I get sponsored my (and by that I mean thatI will run marithons and every article of clothing will have your team's name on it)! You will never be forgotten, and your popularity will rocket! JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!