hey veoh here is this weeks website writeup sUPEREDS 293 weekly inteRnet video" for sept 22 2012 titled "sUPEREDS angry coNtrol video (take 1)" sUPERED the internet video artist/street performer/film editor/professional weird-0 billed as the 12th most strangest person on de internet gives some advice on how to control human angry also sUPERED puts a idea out there for people to make a video about angry control enjoy smile IIIII11111IIIIIsUPERED 92212sUPERED i am in the process of writing a book which will be called sUPEREDS "99 folders of knowlege" this videos information is part of folder number 80.. angry is a big part of the human experence having angry work as a postive force is a good thing - this video showS us what not to do when we get angry thats all for now be good-keep it real stay healthy have fun at no ones expense love eachother and help those in NEED (not want) by love sUPERED veoh.com