Contrary to popular belief, monsters such as Vampires, Werewolves and Zombies who once roamed the face of the earth were banished to hell centuries ago for their unspeakable acts on humanity. Now in the depths of Dante’s vision of hell, Satan holds a race once a millennium, a race unknown to man called The Showdown. Creature’s such as Frankenstein looking greasers named Stitch and Merc, members of a car club called The Fivehundreds, are challenged by other hot-rodding ghouls from all walks of existence. A demonic car club called The Wolfpack whose members are rockabilly werewolves with muscle cars or The Devil’s Rejects, a skeleton crew of motorcycle bandits, all battle to the death. Who will win this fuel burning, hotrod race and get a chance to be more then just a legend-bound, fictional creature and raise hell on earth, once again? Directed and written by Russ Lippitt