The documentary series "Your World Discovered" presents "Jesus: The True Christmas Story" produced and directed by David K. Ewen, M.Ed. It is a fun heart warming documentary with children, parents, and pastors discussing the true meaning of Christmas. The casting is from members of Open Gate Ministries, Resurrection Center, and a film student of David Ewen. Christine Church, David K. Ewen, Maria E. Ewen, Wayne LaPointe, Sianna LaPointe, Mia LaPointe, Pastor Maritza Manchester, Pastor Barry Mancester, Pastor Melly Martinez, Pastor Jose Martinez, Elizabeth Botero-McManus, Erica Yambo Rodriguez, Elmer Rodriguez, Elissa Rodriguez, Gabriel Rodriguez This movie was filmed and produced in Springfield, Massachusetts by Ewen Prime Company. Copyright (c) 2012, Ewen Prime Company Duration: 60 Minutes