Direhorns have been added as a tameable species for Hunters that have learned the required skill. Aspiring Direhorn owners should seek out clues regarding these auspicious beasts.
How to Tame A Direhorn
1. In order to tame a direhorn, hunters will need to find an Ancient Tome of Dinomancy, which drops from the Zandalari Dinomancers on the Isle of Giants. (It May take more than 10 mobs to obtain)
2. In Survival or Marksmanship Primal Direhorn (Small Triceratops) may be able to be tamed.
3. Devilsaur Raptors (Tyrannosaurus Rex) Can only be tamed with Ancient Tome of Dinomacy and In Beast Mastery
4. Primal Direhorn (Small Triceratops) have a spell called Reflective Armor Plating Channeled -- deflect all spells cast in front of the Direhorn for six seconds