'Warrior' by Verbal Linguist (song@1:00) http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/warrior/id555109926?i=555109928 Original Prod. by Platinum Sellers Beats (Song contains sample of Masai Tribal chant) Contact: Verblinguist@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/VerbLinguisthttp://soundcloud.com/verblinguisthttp://beverbal.tumblr.com/http://www.reverbnation.com/verballinguist "This song was written as a testament to the 'can-do', 'never give up' spirit that lies within us all. I think that it is within the essence of what it means to be human! We are all warriors, we are all survivors, in different stages of development. The goal here was to capture this visually. You may notice that there is an obvious Native American concept going on here, we deliberately chose people of various ethnic backgrounds (although not All were represented) in order to show that in 2012 we are all native and belonging to the one tribe which is humanity. Everything from the African Masai shaman doing the call and response chant in the sample, the Om symbol which appears throughout the video, the Native man in full dress doing a meditation by the fire, and the Melungeon woman in the 'warrior goddess' yoga pose toward the end...all these things were a direct manifestation and visual representation of one thought.... to get in tune with one's spiritual essence regardless of what your belief or practice may be. It is truly time to ignite the 'Warrior' essence in us all and get right. Peace to you all. I hope you enjoy this video as much as I do and check out some of my other stuff. This is what I'm coming with! Not just real hip-hop music, but real music period! With meaning and most importantly, always with soul. Namaste." - Verbal Linguist