Looking to get a payday loan of 100? Want the chance to get a bad credit loan that gives you 100 days to pay again? There are some loan companies online that offer this service, but you need to know what is required of you to get and important facts concerning it. You will then receive this information plus much more.
Day 100 loan requirements:
You must be at least 18 years of age, a citizen of the United States and make at least $ 1000 per month. These simple requirements for average loan borrower and most are approved if they meet.
How much money you can get a loan for 100 days?
The average borrower can get up to $ 1,500 if your loan application is approved. Make sure the information provided is accurate and honest to give you the best chance.
How long does the loan process?
The application only takes about five to seven minutes. After filling out the application and mail, take less than an hour to be notified by ...