CCM News - Hamburg. As far as World Premiers go, this is making a statement! Mercedes Benz unveiled its new S-Class right in the Airbus Delivery center in Hamburg, Germany. A location normally used for customers that shop for and buy their top model, the Airbus A380. But the unveiling of the new S-Class is much more than simply presenting a new vehicle. Mercedes Benz wrote automobile history with the S-Class, more so than with any other vehicle. With that, the S-Class will continue to embody and symbolize top performance and design, an engineering marvel straight out of Germany. Whether with the seat belt, airbag or their intelligent assistant systems, Mercedes Benz introduced them first in the S-Class; and carmakers all around the world have since adopted them. For that reason, the S-Class has set a certain standard in the international car manufacturing market and now it is time to exceed those expectations. The S-Class also boasts an array of outstanding features, whether with style and comfort or equipment and components, all of which makes Mercedes Benz a top model and perfect alternative for business customers. And passengers will have the opportunity maneuver their seats into a vertical position and use an integrated desktop or work surfaces. German carmakers are constantly facing new challenges, especially with ever changing market dynamics. So to cope with the requirements that different countries have, the S-Class will be available with a choice of three different engine designs or power packages. Additionally, the long wheel base of the sedan was development because the top model of Mercedes-Benz is used in China more as a car with a chauffeur. And the challenge remains; whoever wants to position themselves at the top of the highly competitive automobile market needs to understand and fulfill the demands of all the customers worldwide.