David Daugherty is the former President/CEO of The Rehabilitation Service of North Central Ohio, Inc. (The Rehab Center), a position he held from July 1996 until his retirement in July 2002. Daugherty has served as President of the Rotary Club of Hartford, Connecticut and the Rotary Club of Mansfield, Ohio. He served as District Governor for Rotary District 6600 in northwest Ohio in 2008-2009. He was the General Chairman for All-Ohio PETS in 2009-2010. He has been the District 6600 Chair for Membership Recruitment and Retention, and is a trainer for Rotary Leadership Institute. Daugherty chairs the MESA Steering Committee (Medical Equipment and Supplies Abroad), our District’s premier international service project. He was elected to be the District 6600 Representative to the Rotary International Council on Legislation (COL) meeting in April 2013