hey here is this weeks website writeup "sUPEREDS 330 weekly internet video" for june 22 2013 titled "sUPEREDS good wOrkout advice" sUPERED the internet video artist/street performer/film editor/professional weird-0 billed as the 10th most stRangest person on de internet makes a video for people who want some good advice on how to approach a workout program to improve their bodys enjoy smile IIIII11111IIIIIsUPERED 62213sUPERED i released a video caLled "sUPEREDS mental workout" on jan 15 2011 week 216 .... this video you see here is 1 of the takes i did while filming that video ..this take is unedited and its me being myself telling the viewer how to use the power of words put into action to make a great workout to get your body in great shape at the end of the video i go into my character the evil trainer haha thats all for now be good. keep it real stay healthy have fun at no ones expense love each other and help those in NEED (not want) by love sUPERED veoh.com