Dedicated to all forms of life in all dimensions of existence...... A poem portraying the prophecy of Gaia. A Promise.... long kept sacred... that will not go forsaken.... an Awakening.... to something Magnificent... unknowingly, We will Unite as One.... Remembering who We are.... finding Love.... Peace.... Reunions... of true Hearts.... with Compassion.... Respect... and Freedom.... opening Paradise... Healing... Miracles... leaving us in untamable Awe... a great Magic... defying the impossible... returning us our true Essence.... The New Children will gather... hand in hand... at the Brightest of times... to welcome... with great Joy... The New Earth... of Beauty.... and Wonder.... a World of Light! where all Dreams are possible! creating a reality beyond what we've ever imagined... leading us to a New World... that we All can call.... Home. a Rainbow and its colors... Coexisting... as One True Family... in Perfect Harmony. and such was Gaia's tale.... - written by Raffi Keshishian Based on a Dream......that is a future Reality...... Video Information: Video clips: Final Fantasy VII - Crisis Core, Advent Children Complete, Dirge of Cerberus, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy X, X-2, Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy XIII, XIII-2, Kingdom Hearts, II Audio: Main Song: "The Promise" by Two Steps From Hell Ending Song: "The Door in the Air" composed by Harry Gregson-Williams, from the soundtrack of The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian Poem: "The Promise" by Raffi Keshishian