Grab some popcorn, this epic three hour collection of ancient Counter-Strike flashmovies will bring you back to the dark ages of the internet. This is a collection of old Counter-Strike flashes from the year 2000-2003. The flashes were taken from several sites, such as CStoons, CSnation, CScentral, CSbanana and Newgrounds (Don't hate me, Tom Fulp). Making this compilation together with my own animations took me about 1 1/2 weeks of non-stop work. I take no credit for any of the flashes inside the collection. The only things I created myself were: Intro, Outro, Credits and a new explosion. The other stuff I did though was massive editing, resyncing of sound and converting. See below for additional info. I made some modifications to the following parts: -RzE introduction video: I added music to this flash, as it had no sound what so ever. -Casino scene: I added new sound effects to the CT part, as it had almost no sound. -Counter-Tom: Cut the super-annoying, overly long shooting sequence down to a minimum. -The "Live Well" flash had a convertion problem, I tried to fix it but it's much slower than it should be. (EDIT: This flash is broken, it's completely black. Probably another video conversion problem) -I added a new handmade explosion effect for RzE's dance. (It was previously a flashbang effect, eventhough the grenade said HE on it) -RzE Jeepathon2k: I replaced the hamster dance music at the end of the flash with a new sound that fits the situation better. -CS school: Added coughing in one part to the almost silent flash. -CS punchout: Added an old computer (ATARI ST) loading sound.